Do you have an upcoming Data Science or Data Engineering Interview?

Schedule anonymous mock interviews with current data science/data engineering professionals from Google, Amazon, and other top companies!

How does it work?

  1. Contact us with details about the role & company you’re interviewing for

  2. Meet with your interviewer from your chosen company for virtual, fully anonymous sessions over Zoom with live coding

  3. Get guidance on interview expectations, coding, leadership principles, machine learning principles, etc.

  4. Get detailed, actionable feedback about exactly what you need to work on to get the job you deserve

Check out some examples of actual mock interviews below!

Insider Training Meta Mock SQL + Case study

Insider Training Mock Case Study round

Our interviewers work at companies like

Pranav, Data Scientist @Meta: Hey guys!! Thanks a tonne for the mock interviews for Meta DS roles, never would’ve thought I can ace Meta interview process.


Testimonials from some of our very satisfied clients!

Aaron, DE @Uber: Hello, just got the Offer Letter from Uber for the DE role I took a mock with you guys for. Have to say, It was immensely helpful to do mocks with your interviewers, couldn’t have done without that surely.

Thanks again, Aaron

Mansi, DS@Stripe: Hey man, the interviewer today was really really good, had no idea how much behind the curve I was in terms of my preparation, I’ll definitely book more sessions as well as I probably need the help. Thanks for scheduling it so fast

Ellen, DS @Google: Hey guys, Even though negotiations are pending, got the verbal confirmation of my offer today. Definitely need to thank your interviewers for this, their crazy high bar for Statistics, SQL and Product cases made me go out the way to prepare for this interview, so much that the actual interview felt easy LOL. Gonna recommend y’all to some friends as well (Give me some commission haha)